N.A.P. II: Orange County De Luxe Hotel

If you did not book your summer holiday yet, we have a suggestion: Orange County Hotel in Kemer Turkey. 513 total rooms, 1102 total beds, 1 honeymoon suite, 16 connected rooms, 17 Volendam Houses. Here Dutch houses with mountain views are available! And: Ultra All Inclusive.

The hotel is conceived as a replica of the historic city of Amsterdam, wrapped around a 5000 m2 swimming pool; an azzurro canal! Cleverly, the tiles on the bottom of the pool show a graphic image of the facades, a plastic reflection of an ancient skyline…

Orange County is mostly frequented by White Russians rapidly turning Pink.

In the framework of an art project about Amsterdam after completion of its new subway, we, back in 1996, explored the potential of Amsterdam as a resort.

Where the idea that the Amsterdam canals eventually would be clean enough to swim in was profoundly optimistic, the canal / pool mash-up however was intended to raise awareness about the increasing Disneyfication of historic centers. In spite of its refreshing temptation it was meant as a warning sign.

But the Orange County Hotel is stranger than fiction. Reality happens to be far more synthetic than our imagination; a Virtual Reality mirrored…


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