Fly United_For Real!

Fly United_Airbus

Fly United Airbus Formation for real copy

Fly United sm

For the Biennale in 2008 we created a Virtual Reality called Fly United. The Mash-up shows nine jets in the V-shape typical for migrating birds like geese. The idea is that the slipstream will reduce air-resistance; the airplanes will become lighter because they have to bring less fuel! Airliners from London, Brussels and Paris for instance could gather in the sky to ‘embark’ on the collective long haul flight to NY… and safe 10%.

It of course requires really good pilots. Now Airbus for the first time succeeded to make formations with passenger class flights… check this amazing family flight video. It is getting time to check the hypothesis.

Thank you Daan Roggeveen for the in-flight information!

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